Scaffolding and Rental

In the scaffolding sector JUST LEITERN AG has globally made a name. Especially in the industrial and commercial sector JUST products are highly appreciated. Also the trend in the do-it-yourself sector and small-scaffolds-sector is rising sharply.


As an additional service JUST LEITERN AG offers its customers the opportunity to rent scaffolding. Moreover we also offer scaffold construction and dismantling!

Vienna, Lower-, Upper-Austria, Salzburg, northern Burgenland

Ion Salant  Mobil: 0676/4681183

Ion Salant

Cell +43 (0) 676 / 468 1183

Martin Wagner

Martin Wagner

A-3424 Zeiselmauer

Bundesstraße B 14,

Tel.        +43 (0)2242 / 704 08-0

Fax        +43 (0)2242 / 725 07



pickup and return:

Mo - Thu: 07.30 - 12.00 and 12.30 - 15.00

Fr: 07.30 - 12.00


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Styria, southern Burgenland (ab PLZ 74xx), Carinthia

Rita Kelz  Vertriebsinnendienst  Tel. 0316/297400

Rita Kelz

Manuel Schreiner  Gerüstverleih  Mobil: 0676/468 1182

Manuel Schreiner

Cell +43 (0)676 / 468 11 82

A-8055 Graz-Straßgang

Mühlfelderweg 40

Tel         +43(0)316 / 29 74 00

Fax        +43(0)316 / 29 72 29



pickup and return:

Mo - Thu: 07.30 - 12.00 and 12.30 - 15.00

Fr: 07.30 - 12.00



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